Analysis & characterization
Understanding material properties and their link to structure and processes

In order to design new materials – or improve existing ones – it is necessary to characterize them and obtain insight into how processing parameters influence structure and properties. M2P can provide a wide variety of testing platforms as well as analysis and characterization facilities for this need: chemical, physical, thermal, microstructural, mechanical and dimensional for metals, metal powders, multi-material assemblies and composites.
Our equipment also reproduces the thermal, chemical and mechanical stresses encountered under industrial conditions, in order to better understand and improve materials.
Expertise & services
- Characterization and analysis equipment are used in our collaborative projects, and are also available on-demand for private research
- Resources and skills for punctual or regular analyses for industry or academia
- Development of reliable methods to monitor and control processes, improve their performance, and guarantee the quality of the materials produced
- Interpretation of results by a group of experts in the field of chemistry, metallurgy, mechanics and physics
- Analysis & Characterization is cross-sector and involve all activities at M2P
Metal Powders Characterization
Flowability by Hall and Carney
Particle shape and size analysis: dynamic image analysis and Keyence microscopy
Chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence, ICP-OES
Dissolved gas analysis: ONH, CS
Sample preparation/handling
Access to a network with additional testing
Mechanical & Dimensional Characterization

Hardness measurement with macro / microdurometer
Coating adhesion measurement by indentation
Mechanical tests: quasi-static tension-compression instrumented tests on metals, composites, multi-material assemblies
Fatigue tests on metals, composites, multi-material assemblies using a servo-hydraulic mechanical testing machine : Cyclic tension-compression, Wöhler curves (SN or FN curves), creep
Instrumentation of tests with third-party means (thermal camera, etc.)
Rotational bending fatigue tests (Qualification by Airbus Helicopters)
Tribological tests – Taber
3D measurements with 7-axis measuring arm
3D probing and 3D scanning for the digital reproduction of the geometry of all types of metal parts, textile preforms or composite parts
Geometric differences between CAD model and real part
Microstructure Analysis
Metallographic preparation (cutting, hot mounting presses, mechanical and ionic polishing)
Different scales microscopies: Binocular, Optical and Secondary Electron Microscopy (SEM FEG)
Topographic surface measurements: 3D digital microscope, Interferential microscope, Optical profilometry, Roughness meter
Thickness measurement of coatings and surface layers: Coulometric methods, non-contact and non-destructive measurement ENOVASENSE®
Measurement of closed porosities, detection of coating adhesion problem
Physical & Chemical Analysis
Solid-state chemical composition: Optical emission spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), SEM-EDX, Glow discharge spectrometry
Chemical composition of solutions: ICP-OES, electrochemistry
Dissolved gas analysis: ONH, CS
Corrosion resistance: salt spray, electrochemistry
Crystallography - XR diffractometer
Characterization of the electrical conductivity of coatings